Princess Avenue Active Transportation Project

Staff have been working with McElhanney Engineering on the Downtown Active Transportation Designs that will link the Valley Rail Trail with the Downtown core with a protected multi-use pathway network. Princess Avenue from Mary Street to Young Road forms part of the path system, but the corridor is too narrow to accommodate. The City is proposing to convert the corridor to one-way eastbound to keep parking on at least one side of the road.

A traffic study has been completed to review the traffic flow and impacts to adjacent signalized intersections and concluded that there would be minimal impacts. Council has supported the recommendation to move forward with consultation of the Downtown Business Improvement Association, businesses and property owners on Princess Avenue between Mary Street and Young Road regarding this conversion to allow for the construction of a protected multi-use pathway.Princess Ave - Design.jpg

Anticipated works include:

  • Conversion of Princess Avenue between Mary Street and Young Road from two-way traffic to one-way traffic eastbound.
  • Construction of a 3m wide protected multi-use pathway.
  • Construction of tree-lined landscape boulevard areas on the south side of the road.
  • Changes to on-street parking.

Further information will be coming following the consultation process.

If you have any questions about the Princess Avenue Active Transportation Project, please contact the Engineering Department at 604-793-2907 or [email protected].

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