Regulatory Bylaws
The bylaws listed are provided for information purposes only, and the City of Chilliwack will not be responsible for their validity or completeness. Where applicable, amendment bylaws have been consolidated with the original bylaw and are identified with a (C).
Individuals wishing to quote from or use the bylaws should consult the Legislative Services Department to ensure they are current and in force. For legal and other purposes, certified copies of the official version may be obtained from the Corporate Officer, Jacqueline Morgan, City of Chilliwack, 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack BC V2P 8A4. Telephone: (604) 793-2986.
Please note the list below only contains the most commonly requested bylaws. If you are seeking a specific bylaw please contact Legislative Services at the number listed above.
For information on enforcement of the regulatory bylaws, please contact Bylaw Enforcement at
(604) 793-2908.
Maps are available for download from our Maps page.