Public Safety

Animal Control

Provides for the control of animals and licensing of dogs.

Chilliwack Search and Rescue

Over 60 times each year, Chilliwack Search and Rescue is called upon to help those in need who by misfortune, lack of experience or poor judgment find themselves in trouble.

Crime Prevention Toolkit (Crime Mapping)

Access the Chilliwack Crime Map to learn what steps you can take to better prevent crime in your area.

Project 529: Register your bike

Emergency Preparedness

Emergencies and disasters are unpredictable and can happen at any time. While the unknown is frightening and stressful, the ability to cope with an emergency can be improved by having an emergency preparedness plan.

Bulletins & Newsletters | Emergency Kits | Emergency Plans | How to Stay Informed in an Emergency | Partners in Preparedness | Public Alerting System for Emergencies | Resources for Residents Impacted by Flooding | ShakeOut BC - October 17, 2024 | Types of Emergencies

Flood Protection

Information on the City of Chilliwack's flood protection programs for the Fraser and Vedder Rivers.

Fraser River Flood Protection | Vedder River Flood Protection | Flood Evacuation Information | Flood Protection Infrastructure


This section contains important information about homelessness in Chilliwack and how various levels of government, citizens and agencies are working together to end it.

Public Health / Disease Control

Health information and the groups and organizations that provide for these services in Chilliwack.

Chilliwack General Hospital | Fraser Health Authority | HealthLink BC | Mosquito Control Program | Public Health Unit


The Community’s police services are provided by the RCMP, under contract with the City of Chilliwack. Sous contrat avec la ville de Chilliwack, la G.R.C. est responsable pour le service policier de la collectivité.

Crime Stoppers | Criminal Investigation | False Alarm Bylaw