Tyson - Keith Wilson Design-Build Project

Current Works

Keith Wilson - Aug.png

Keith Wilson Road – Concrete curb, sidewalks, storm water drainage works and street lighting have been installed.  Work continues driveway restoration, preparing the subgrade for the multi-use and asphalt paving.

Tyson Road – Storm water drainage works, concrete curbs, driveway accesses, and street lighting are 70% complete.  Concrete works and preparing the multi-use pathway subgrade continue. 

Keith Wilson - August (late).jpg

Background Information

The design-build project includes two separate urbanization projects, Tyson Road and Keith Wilson Road, to provide enhanced safety, more efficient vehicular movements and increased pedestrian / cyclist facilities. Both projects are high priorities in the City's Active Transportation Plan and are identified as a core route in the City's Cycle Vision Plan.

City staff were successful in obtaining $500,000 grants for both the Tyson Road Project and the Keith Wilson Road Project for a total of $1,000,000 from the B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant.

Project Details

Tyson Road – Stevenson Road to Watson Road

Work includes:

  • Curb installation and multi-use pathways on both sides of Tyson Road
  • A signalized intersection upgrades/widening at South Sumas Road
  • 1270 metres of road widening/reconstruction
  • Drainage works
  • Paving
  • Streetlighting
  • Street trees
Keith Wilson Road – Tyson Road to Garrison Boulevard

Work includes:

  • Sidewalk and bike lanes on the north side and a multi-use pathway on the south side
  • Approximately 730 metres of road widening/reconstruction
  • Drainage work
  • Paving
  • Street trees
  • Curb installation
  • Road geometry improvements to reduce vehicle speeds westbound entering the roundabout

Completed Works

  • Base gravels for road widening / multi-use pathway construction
  • Vegetation clearing and fence removals

Future Works

  • Storm works, multi-use pathways, road widening and electrical works


  • Scheduled completion is March 31, 2025

If you have any questions about the Tyson - Keith Wilson Design-Build Project, please contact the Engineering Department at 604-793-2907 or [email protected].

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Description Date File Size 
Keith Wilson Road Project 2024-01-09 1.89MB 
Tyson Road Project 2024-01-09 11.13MB