Long Range Planning
Long range planning includes the development of land use plans, strategies, policies, and regulations to guide growth and development in Chilliwack. Long range planning also includes studies of key topics or emerging trends, and provides policy background or guidance to update regulatory tools or shift evolving City practices. This work involves engaging with residents and stakeholders, collaborating with City departments and Committees, and discussions with City Council.
Council recognizes the value and importance of heritage conservation. Because of this Council completed a Heritage Strategic Action Plan in 2022 and oversees a Voluntary Municipal Heritage Designation Program.
Chilliwack uses an array of planning tools to support housing matters in the City. Underpinning these tools is the City's Official Community Plan, which includes specific housing policies and guidance on matters affecting affordable and appropriate housing, such as the development of complete communities and improving walkability for residents. Housing policies also include accommodating new residential development through infill and redevelopment in existing areas, supporting adequate and affordable housing for seniors, encouraging rental housing by promoting alternative forms of housing (i.e., accessory dwelling units).
Policies, Studies & Strategies
Chilliwack has adopted a number of policies, studies, and strategies to guide growth and development in Chilliwack. These policies, studies, and strategies are intended to address a variety of key topics or emerging community trends, such as child care needs, industrial land supply, residential parking, and other land use matters.