Culvert Projects

2024 Culvert Projects

Construction Notice

Gill Road Box Culvert Replacement

August 12 - September 15

Traffic Impacts
Gill Road will remain single lane alternating with the exception of two 24 hour closures to allow for the installation, during which time the dyke gates will be opened at Ferry Road and the north end of Gill Road to maintain access via the dyke road. These road closures will be communicated with onsite signage and on this webpage in advance of the closure. The closures will facilitate the installation of the culvert using a large crane truck to install the heavy box culvert segments.


Replacement of the Gill Road Culvert crossing the Camp Slough. A new 3m x 1.5m concrete box culvert will be installed to improve flow and drainage in the Camp Slough. The existing culverts in the Camp Slough have reached the end of their service life and require to be replaced to ensure the road access remains to the dead end road. The new box culvert will improve flow in the Camp Slough leading to better water quality, less stagnation, and improved drainage.

What is a Culvert?

A culvert is a tunnel-like structure that is constructed to allow roads, railroads, and trails to cross over flowing watercourses. Water flows through the culvert beneath the road crossing in its natural path. The culvert should maintain the ability to support drainage and habitat once installed.

Culvert replacements and upgrades are needed to avoid failures that could cause costly repairs and interruptions to traffic. Culvert failures can cause damage to the surrounding riparian environment.

2024 Completed Projects

Bell Slough Culvert Installation at McSween Road

In April, a new culvert on McSween Road crossing the Bell Slough was installed to reinstate the connection.

This project was a result of recommendations contained in the Bell Slough Study the City recently completed, with the goal of improving water quality and habitat within the slough.

In Fall 2024, native tree and shrub species will be planted.

Parr Road Culvert Removal

The City removed the pedestrian crossing at the end of Parr Road to Eagle Landing Parkway in August. This will help restore streamflow and enhance local habitat and watershed health.

The existing culvert was originally installed in the 1980s. It reached the end of its service life and had failed due to corrosion. Because of its current condition, it was blocking natural streamflow. The original channel of Chilliwack Creek is no longer receiving water flow, causing detriment to water quality in the branch and reducing important drainage capacity for much of the City's lowland areas.

After consultation with First Nations and environmental regulators, a decision was reached not to restore the pedestrian crossing. The crossing was removed in July. The culvert removal will improve drainage conveyance, reduce standing water and mosquito production, and improve water quality and ecological health within Chilliwack Creek.

   Parr Rd Location Map - 2024.jpg

2023 Completed Culvert Projects

  • Bailey Road Culvert Replacement
  • Ford Road Retaining Walls on Rogers-Ford Ditch
  • Sinclair Road Culvert Project


If you have any questions about the City's culvert projects, please contact the Engineering Department at 604-793-2907 or [email protected].

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Description Date File Size 
Gill Road Detour 2024-08-09 826KB 
Prest Road Detour 2024-08-08 673KB