Get Involved! Green Initiatives
The City undertakes a multitude of Green Initiatives to keep our community naturally beautiful, protect and enhance biodiversity, and reduce pollution. There are many ways you can get involved.
Adopt a Program
The City of Chilliwack has partnered with a number of local organizations and non-profit groups to develop the various adoption programs. Groups volunteer their time to cleanup roads, rivers, trails, and parks in Chilliwack, to keep the community looking its best!
April is Earth Month
Activities and programs happening in April for Earth Month.
City-Wide Garage Sale
Information on the Spring and Fall City-Wide Garage Sales.
Environmental Stewardship Award
Attention Chilliwack businesses! We want YOU to win this year's Sustainability Excellence Award!
Event Recycling
Want to hold a green event? The City has waste diversion stations available on loan.
Food Recovery and Donation
The City of Chilliwack partners with local food producers, food retailers, health authorities and food distribution organization to reduce food waste facilitate better food distribution.
Low Cost and Free Food Distribution Organizations in Chilliwack
Go By Bike
The Go By Bike event runs every spring and fall, and everyone is encouraged to participate.
Household Hazardous Waste Day
Each year in October, the City hosts a Household Hazardous Waste Day for the free disposal of residential hazardous waste.
Natural Yard Care
Options for composting and natural, pesticide-free yard maintenance
Storm Drain Marking
The water that enters storm drains is not treated before release to the environment! Visit the site for information about storm drains in Chilliwack and the Storm Drain Marking Program.
Sustainability Tips
Tips for a sustainable lifestyle - residential and business
Waste Reduction Month
Chilliwack's Waste Reduction Month is October! Events include a Citywide Garage Sale, FREE scrap metal recycling, and the annual Green Business Award.
List of Repair Shops in Chilliwack | Reduce Your Food Waste | Tips