Bylaw Enforcement
Bylaw Enforcement is a function of the City of Chilliwack’s Development and Regulatory Enforcement Services Department, and is responsible for processing, investigating and resolving contraventions of the City’s bylaws.
The Bylaw Enforcement Department’s goal is to facilitate a safe and healthy community, and a high quality of life for all. To achieve this, the Department strives not to penalize residents, but rather to achieve voluntary compliance with reasonable standards through increased public education and awareness of the regulations and the rationale for them. However, compliance or enforcement based on education and warnings is not appropriate in all circumstances. More direct enforcement approaches, including immediate ticketing may occur. The Bylaw Department operates primarily on a reactive, complaint-driven basis, in accordance with the Bylaw Compliance and Enforcement Policy approved by City Council.
Office hours for the Bylaw Department are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.
Bylaw Officers core on-duty hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 7:30 pm, and Saturday-Sunday, 8:30 am - 7:00 pm.
The information guides below provide a brief summary of some of the most commonly requested Regulatory Bylaws. These guides are provided for information purposes only.
Bylaw Adjudication
The Upper Fraser Valley Bylaw Adjudication System (the "System") is authorized by the Province of BC to operate as a municipal bylaw court for resolving disputes in bylaw enforcement matters .
Summary of the restrictions and prohibitions surrounding the sale, purchase, possession and discharge of fireworks.
Noise Control
Regulates or prohibits the making or causing of noises or sounds.
Outdoor Burning
Outdoor Burning / Open Air Burning information.
Outdoor Public Spaces Smoking Regulation Bylaw
The purpose of this bylaw is to regulate smoking on or within outdoor City owned public spaces, including parks and trails, within the city of Chilliwack and serves to top up current provincial smoking enactments. The bylaw also regulates smoking on privately held properties that are used for recreational purposes.
Parking Regulations
The Information Guide for Parking Regulations is a summary of the Parking Regulation section of the "Highway and Traffic Bylaw" that regulates the use of Highways.
Property Maintenance
Summary of property maintenance requirements for owners and occupants