Urban Areas
As nearly 70% of land in Chilliwack is in the Agricultural Land Reserve and not available for development, the City’s growth management strategy (Official Community Plan) primarily focuses on the redevelopment, renovation, and densification of existing urban areas within the urban growth boundary where a diverse range of services and amenities already exist.
Chilliwack Proper and Fairfield Island Neighbourhoods Plan
The Chilliwack Proper and Fairfield Island Neighbourhoods have been divided into four distinct planning areas and surround the downtown: Mountainview (east of downtown), Riverside (north of downtown), Townsend (west of downtown) and Fairfield Island.
Downtown Land Use and Development Plan
The Chilliwack Downtown Land Use and Development Plan articulates the community’s vision for the Downtown Plan Area over the next 30 years. Founded on a strong based of community engagement, the Plan gives clear direction with regards to land use, housing, commercial and economic vitality, public open spaces, community facilities and programs, transportation, infrastructure, and the form and character of public and private realm development.
Sardis Neighbourhood Plan
The Sardis Neighbourhood is centrally located in Chilliwack, immediately south of Highway 1, and is bordered by the ALR (west and east), First Nations Lands (south and east), and the Vedder neighbourhood to the south. The Plan sets out planning principles and associated policies to guide decisions on land use and development in the neighbourhood. It is a tool kit for City staff, Council, industry, and residents alike.
Alder Neighbourhood Plan
The Alder area is currently undergoing a transformation towards a more mixed-use, apartment oriented sub-area in accordance with the Alder Neighbourhood Plan.
South Vedder Neighbourhood Plan
The South Vedder Neighbourhood is a component of the broader Vedder Neighbourhood in the south end of the City of Chilliwack. As identified in its namesake, the South Vedder Neighbourhood is located in the southern portion of Vedder and borders the Chilliwack/Vedder River (south), and Promontory Neighbourhood (south-east), Tzeachten First Nations Lands (east), and the broader Vedder Neighbourhood (north and west). Vedder Road forms the western boundary of the South Vedder Neighbourhood. While all urban areas of the City are experiencing growth, the South Vedder neighbourhood has considerable potential to accommodate new opportunities for development.
Promontory Development Plan
The primary purpose of the Promontory Development Plan is to facilitate the building of a viable, all inclusive community in Promontory.