Resources for Residents Impacted by Flooding
The lingering effects of unexpected emergencies and disasters are different for everyone. Knowing what to do after an emergency can help reduce stress and aid in a quicker recovery.
The process to repair and restore your life after an emergency or disaster is not easy and takes time, flexibility and patience. The following resources may be of assistance:
Traveling in BC
For information about the state of highways, highway openings or closures, please visit DriveBC.
Disposing of Flood Damaged Waste
When cleaning up after a flood, refer to the BC CDC website on flood clean up or the Red Cross’ Guide to Flood Recovery, which outline steps to take and how to determine which items should be disposed of and which items are safe to keep. Some items that need to be thrown out should be separated for recycling or special disposal requirements including: appliances, drywall, asbestos waste, electronic waste, household hazardous waste and large metal items. Some items are accepted at the Bailey Landfill and others are recycled through Bottle Depots.
Check the Bailey Landfill webpage for more information on how to sort your waste for disposal. Some homes that were constructed before 1990 have the potential to contain asbestos; please ensure any asbestos containing waste is handled carefully and properly bagged for disposal at the Bailey Landfill; more information about asbestos waste can be found here.
Asbestos exposure poses significant health risks, check the BCCDC link to help Assess whether your home might have asbestos before you start cleaning up.
Health and Safety After a Flood
HealthLinkBC, Clean-up after a Flood
Anyone who has had a flood at home is anxious to get back to ordinary life as soon as possible. However, it is important to remember that floodwaters are usually very dirty and items that have come into contact with flood water should be handled properly.
Learn more at
Province of BC – Sewage Systems and Flooding
If high water conditions resulted in the flooding of a private sewage system, or if sewage backed-up into your home during recent flood events, learn more about how to respond through the following document.
SEWAGE SYSTEMS AND FLOODING: Safety, Sanitation, and Clean-up (PDF)
Well Water Testing
If your well was immersed in flood water, or is shallow and near an area that is flooded, it is important to test the water to ensure it hasn’t been contaminated. Even if well water tastes and looks normal, there may be harmful substances as a result of flood waters that you cannot taste, see or smell, such as bacteria and chemicals. Some resources about well water and flooding:
Healthlink BC Informatin Bulletin
Fraser Health Bulletin: What to do after a flood
Gas and Electrical Safety
Technical Safety BC, Information Bulletin: Emergency – natural disaster protocol for electrical and gas equipment safety
FortisBC, Before and After a Flood
General Flood Hazards
Be aware of the risks before re-entering a flood zone. Learn about some key hazards to be aware of when entering a flood zone. Check out the BCCDC link on the dangers of flood zones.
Recovering After a Flood
Canadian Red Cross, Guide to Flood Recovery (PDF)
Clean up after a Flood, Health Link BC (PDF)
Financial Assistance
Disaster Financial Assistance
After a disaster, such as flooding, the provincial government may declare the event eligible for Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA). Once declared, the DFA program may compensate applicants for essential uninsurable losses. To learn more about the DFA program and to see if you qualify, please visit their website.
Resources for Small Businesses
Small Business BC Hotline - 1-800-667-2272
Business disaster support
Flood Relief Community Care Centre
Open everyday, starting Monday, November 22, from 9:00am – 5:00pm
42228 Yarrow Central Road
Volunteers, donations, food assistance, housing assistance and people willing to help with cleanup are needed. If you are in need, contact them for food assistance, financial assistance, and relief work. For more information:
Tel: 778.860.7500
Email: [email protected]
Mental Health Resources
Disasters can affect people in many ways. Sometimes we have emotional responses right away and sometimes they show up days, weeks, months or even years after. Feelings of stress are normal, but some people can experience more severe distress and may require help. If you have difficulty sleeping, emotional outburst, anxiety or depression, or unexplained physical issues, please seek advice from a professional.
Canadian Mental Health Association
Coping through a natural disaster emergency: mental health tips for you and your family (PDF)
First Nations Health Authority
Recognizing and Resolving: Trauma in Children During Disasters (PDF)
Farm and Agriculture Help and Resources
BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries website contains resources and information.
2021 Flood Recovery Program for Food Security
The 2021 Canada-British Columbia Flood Recovery Program for Food Security responds to impacts on livestock and crops by providing assistance to help offset costs of returning to production.
Those requiring assistance regarding livestock mortalities, can call AgriService BC at 1-888-221-7141.
Disposal of Flood Damaged Materials
An application process for Chilliwack residents to receive free disposal of flood damaged materials at the Bailey Landfill concluded on March 2, 2022.
Tips for Dealing with Flooded Basements
Follow these steps if your basement has flooded.