Agricultural & Rural Advisory Committee

Chair: Councillor Chris Kloot
Vice Chair: Councillor Harv Westeringh

The Agricultural and Rural Advisory Committee (ARAC) is a Select Committee established by Council that serves as an advisory/liaison body between Council and the rural neighbourhoods in Chilliwack. The committee looks at policy issues with respect to service delivery in rural areas and also provides advice to Council on matters relating to agriculture, agri-business and agri-tourism.

Meetings are held at the call of the Chair.

Important documents

2024 Terms of Reference

Committee Minutes 

Date Minutes
February 17, 2023 ARAC Minutes
March 8, 2023 ARAC Minutes
July 13, 2023 ARAC Minutes
September 14, 2023 ARAC Minutes
November 29, 2023 ARAC Minutes
January 31, 2024 ARAC Minutes
May 8, 2024 ARAC Minutes