Affordable Housing & Development Advisory Committee

Chair: Councillor Harv Westeringh
Vice Chair: Councillor Bud Mercer

The Affordable Housing and Development Advisory Committee (AHDC) is a Select Committee established by Council that serves as an advisory/liaison body between Council and the development, building, and real estate community. The committee provides advice to Council on the implementation of the City of Chilliwack’s Affordable Housing Strategy and other policies and strategies to address housing needs in the community.

Important documents

2024 Terms of Reference 

2024 Committee Meeting Dates

Committee Minutes

Date Minutes
February 22, 2023 AHDC Minutes
April 26, 2023 AHDC Minutes
June 28, 2023 AHDC Minutes
September 27, 2023 AHDC Minutes
January 24, 2024 AHDC Minutes
April 24, 2024 AHDC Minutes