Truck Routes & Commercial Vehicles
The City of Chilliwack Highway and Traffic Bylaw regulates truck traffic on city roadways.
The Bylaw states: No person shall operate a motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 10,000kg on any highway other than a highway designated as a City truck route as set out in Schedule 6 of this Bylaw.
The Bylaw shall not apply to:
(a) an emergency vehicle;
(b) a motor vehicle while on a local service call, where the site cannot be reached except by travelling on a portion of highway not designated as a City truck route;
(c) a motor vehicle lawfully engaged in highway construction or maintenance, including travelling to or from the work site, where the site cannot be reached except by travelling on a portion of highway not designated as a City truck route; or
(d) a motor vehicle owned or operated by any municipal, provincial or federal government.
For more information:
Click BYLAW to view the current Highway and Traffic Bylaw
Be Truck Aware tips and videos for passenger vehicle drivers and commercial truck drivers