Telecommunication Antenna Structures (TAS)

In order to provide Council and the public with a clear guideline as to municipal authority and to outline an appropriate public consultation method geared specifically to the City of Chilliwack, staff have taken the opportunity to update the City’s G-22 Policy Directive: Telecommunication Antenna Structures to reflect current industry standards and legislative requirements in addition to creating guidelines for preferred tower locations, co-location requirements and a detailed public consultation process.  A copy of the updated G-22 Policy and the staff report to Council detailing the purpose and implementation of the policy are attached below.

Proponents wishing to construct a TAS within the City of Chilliwack must make an application to the Planning Department.  Any application must include all the submission requirements included in "Schedule A" of the TAS Policy.  Please note, the first step in the application process is contacting the Planning Department to arrange a site investigation meeting to discuss the specific site(s) currently under review as well as the public consultation process outlined within the policy.

Click here to apply for Telecommunication Antenna Structures application.

For further information regarding the TAS application process or Policy Directive G-22: Telecommunication Antenna Structures, please contact the Planning Department at 604-793-2906 or [email protected] .