Traffic Notifications

Lane Closure
 Notification  9801
 Street Evans Road (between Luckakuck Way and Knight Road)
 Description Installation of BC Hydro duck bank. (No physical works to occur after working hours. Lane closures in effect with arrow boards after working hours.)
 Time Periods Friday September 7, 2018 - Friday October 5, 2018 (7:00AM - 7:00PM)
Saturday October 6, 2018 - Friday November 2, 2018 (7:00AM - 7:00PM)
City of Chilliwack Info
 Name  Brecon Satchwell
 Phone  604-793-2951
Contractor Info
 Company  Pedre Contractors Ltd.
 Name  Daniel Weston
 Phone  604-704-5373
Notice has Expired
 This notice has expired or is out of date.