Land Development Bylaw Update 2022
The City of Chilliwack is working towards updating the current Land Development Bylaw 2014, No. 3055, that was approved on April 1, 2014, and includes construction specifications and standard drawings. Over the past 8-years, many community and master plans, guidelines and policies have been adopted that provide recommended updates to this Bylaw. The Land Development Bylaw update process will incorporate recommended updates and changes to the Bylaw and reflect current technical standards and best practices for infrastructure design and construction.
Project Objectives
Additional objectives to the Land Development Bylaw Update 2022 are to:
- identify innovative management and procedural requirements relating to the submission of design drawings for eventual acceptance by the City;
- include provisions for electronic sealing of drawings, report and correspondence;
- review and report on relevant sections in the recently completed Master Plans where the Land Development Bylaw was recommended to be updated;
- review and report on the design criteria for water, sanitary sewer, and drainage with respect to climate change;
- review and report on seismic design requirements for underground City of Chilliwack utilities;
- review and report on treatment standard requirements for rainwater runoff discharge to groundwater regimes and watercourses;
- review and report on best practices for incorporating on-site storm water infiltration requirements;
- create a new article(s) in the current requirements that identifies the professional responsibilities regarding geotechnical assessment of potential hazardous conditions associated with slope stability, landslides, debris flows, rock fall and flooding;
- review and report on updated lot grading requirements that will satisfy subdivision and building permit approvals, particularly for hillside developments;
- provide recommendations for standards relating to retaining walls;
- update Standard detail drawings including new road cross-sections reflecting recommendations from the Active Transportation Plan;
- incorporate updated IDF curve and consider design standards that account for climate change;
- review and report on best environmental practices in regards to protection of watercourses and invasive weeds;
- and prepare revised or new standard details drawings.
Project Timeline (tentative until contract awarded – updates to come in April 2022)
Stage 1: Contract awarded to Urban Systems.
Stage 2: Consultant to review the current bylaw and recommended changes found in other City planning documents. Identify initial issues in consultation with Land Development Bylaw Staff Committee.
Stage 3: Summarize Stage 2 review and prepare report on recommendations for additions and changes to the Land Development Bylaw.
Stage 4: Draft updated bylaw (July 2022)
Stage 5: Committee review and consultation (Fall 2022)
Stage 6: Final bylaw preparation (December 2022)