Tax Payment Options

Pay Online

Apply for Home Owner Grant Online

All applications are made directly through the Provincial Home Owner Grant website at:

Pay Taxes Online

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Telephone Banking

Contact your financial institution for more information.

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In person at your Canadian Financial Institution

Payments will be processed on the next business day after local cut off times; contact your financial institution to ensure that property tax payments are accepted. Retain your receipt as proof of payment date.

Financial institutions DO NOT accept Home Owner Grants.

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Payment must be received by the tax due date to avoid late payment penalties.  The City is not responsible for postal delivery delays and payments not received through mail delivery service, by the due date, are subject to late payment penalties.

Mailing Address:

City of Chilliwack
Tax Department
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack BC  V2P 8A4

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Mortgage Company

If your mortgage company pays the taxes on your behalf and you are eligible for the Home Owner Grant, BOTH must be submitted by the tax due date.

Many property owner's mortgage payments will include payment of their yearly property taxes. Contact your mortgage company to verify a portion of the mortgage payment is allocated for property taxes and is forwarded to the City. The City is not responsible for errors made by mortgage providers.

Please ensure that your mortgage provider is aware whether or not you are eligible and claiming a Home Owner Grant each year and if you will be claiming the Basic or Additional Grant.

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In Person at City Hall

Payment can be made using cash, cheque or interac Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding statutory holidays. The City does not accept credit cards for payment of property taxes or utilities. 

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Drop Box

Available 24 hours located at both main entrances on Young Road and Southlands Drive.

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Property Tax Prepayment Plan

New applicant


Existing Plan Members

Any outstanding tax account balance must be paid and, if eligible, the Home Owner Grant claimed by the tax due date in order to avoid late payment penalty charges and to remain on the plan. Overdue tax account balances will result in automatic cancellation of your Tax Pre-Payment Plan.

Cancelling your Plan

Property owners may cancel the plan at any time by completing the Plan Cancellation Form and emailing it to [email protected]. One week's notice is required prior to the 15th day of the month in order to stop the current month's withdrawal.

Self-managed option

You may choose to set up automatic debit payments from your financial institution's website to pre-pay property taxes.

Tax Deferment program

Once you receive your property tax notice, you may be able to apply for a low interest loan to pay your current year taxes. Visit the Province of British Columbia's website for information regarding the Tax Deferment Program.

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For more information

Tax Department
Tel: 604-792-9498
Email: [email protected]

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