Seniors Groups

There are over 17 Seniors organizations within the City of Chilliwack. Many of these groups welcome new members or you can just drop in to join the fun and make new friends.

B.C. Old Age Pensioners Organization - Cultus Lake

Laurie Adams (604) 705-4412

Sardis Seniors Activity Centre Society
Website: Sardis Senior's Activity Centre
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 604-858-4066

Chilliwack and District Seniors Resources Society
[email protected]
Office (604) 793-9979


Chilliwack Seniors Recreation Centre Society
Hall (604) 792-4549 

Chilliwack Seniors Soccer Club 
[email protected]
Irnie Tribe (604) 824-1720

Columbia Valley Senior Assn.
Anna Ehro Phone:(604)858-3594

Duplicate Bridge Club
Robert Percher (604) 792-4389



Chilliwack ElderCollege
(604) 702-2611
[email protected]

Evergreen Seniors Carpet Bowlers
Eric Schier (604) 795-9883

Federal Superannuates
Office Phone: (604) 795-6011

Kiwanis Golden K
Dave Stellard (604) 858-0365

Mt. Cheam Seniors Citizen Association
May Armstrong (604) 794-7367

Salvation Army Rainbow Country Seniors
Esther Price (604) 792-0311

Seniors Unlimited
Kathleen Ludlum (604) 858-6994

Yarrow Senior Citizens Society
Peter Friesen (604) 823-6067

Volunteering opportunities for a number of services are available through the Volunteer Bureau. Seniors are a valuable resource that can help our community. The centre will refer those wishing to volunteer for placement as drivers, peer counselling, visitations, Meals on Wheels and more.

Sports and Athletics
Public swim times and morning senior swim times are available at the indoor pool located at the Chilliwack Family YMCA. No membership is required. The YMCA also offers a variety of fitness activities.

In addition to these many activities the Parks and Recreation Department offers Seniors' Skate times and Seniors' Drop-In Hockey at the arenas. Indoor tennis courts are available during the winter months at the AgRec Centre. Sports fields and gymnasiums may also be booked for those wishing to plan and coordinate their own activities.

Clubs and Organizations
There are many other clubs and organizations that offer activities for seniors. They include the Horseshoe Club, Curling Club, Carpet Bowlers, Lawn Bowlers, Rhythm Reelers, Woodworking Club and the Elder College. As you can see Chilliwack has a variety of people, places and events to make every day memorable and exciting. The possibilities are endless.