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2004 Concrete Works Back
Closing Information
This bid opportunity has been cancelled.
All Bidders:
Bidder: Martens Asphalt Ltd.
Bid Value: $171,163.00
Bid Information


To supply all labour, materials and euqipment to construct concrete works including curb and gutter, approximately 685 lineal meters of sidewalks within the boundaries of the City of Chilliwack as stated in the tender documents.

April 27, 2004 3:00 PM


3:00 P.M., Tuesday, April 27, 2004
City of Chilliwack
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.   V2P 8A4

Attention:  R. Carnegie, City Clerk

SECURITY:  Bid Security in the amount of 10% of the total tender price.

BONDING:  Performance Bond and Labour and Materials Bond each in the amount of 50% of total tender price.

Tender documents, including the INvitation to Tender, can be obtained on or after April 1, 2004 from the Main Reception at:

City of Chilliwack
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.   V2P 8A4

The Tender document may also be downloaded from the City's web page at at no cost.

Inquiries should be directed to Mr. William Wedel, Project Manager by calling (604) 793-2947.

The lowest or any Tender may not necessarily be accepted. 

William Wedel
Project Manager
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.
V2P 8A4
(604) 793-2947
(604) 793-2285
Attached Documents
Description Category Format Size
Tender 2004-08 2004 Concrete Works Invitation to Tender Adobe Acrobat File 4,900KB
Addendum 1 2004 Concrete Works Addendum Adobe Acrobat File 5KB
*To view bid documents, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine.