Bid / Tenders

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Council Chambers Audio/Visual Upgrade Back
Closing Information
2 companies have been chosen to move on to the RFP phase
Successful Bidder:
Bidder: Duocom Canada Inc
Bid Value: $110,172.00
Bids Submitted:
Bidder: AVW-TELAV Audio Visual Solutions
Bidder: Duocom Canada Inc
Bid Information

WORK:  The City of Chilliwack is requesting expressions of interest from qualified Proponents who possess all the required personnel, experience and resources to install and maintain theatre & conference centre style audio and video equipment.

The purpose of this project is to provide for two objectives;

a.  Improve both audio and visual presentation facilities for Mayor & Council, Staff, and the public. 
b.  Produce and transmit Council meeting television broadcast.

RFEI documents may be picked up at the City's Main Reception desk on or after March 28, 2006 or may be downloaded from the City's web page at  Inquiries may be directed to the City's representative, "Erik P. Leidekker", at 604-793-2912.  The pre-submission meeting will be held at:

Chilliwack City Hall Committee Room/Council Chambers
8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, B.C.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 at 2:00 p.m.

April 18, 2006 3:00 PM

Sealed EIs from Respondents clearly marked with the Respondent's name, address and "Council Chambers Audio/Visual Upgrade" shall be received by the undersigned at the office of the City of Chilliwack not later than 3:00 p.m., local time, April 18, 2006.

Robert L. Carnegie, City Clerk
City of Chilliwack
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.   V2P 8A4

Erik Leidekker
Project Manager
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.
V2P 8A4
(604) 793-2912
Attached Documents
Description Category Format Size
Council Chambers Audio Visual Upgrade RFEI Adobe Acrobat File 653KB
Addendum 1 Council Chambers Audio Visual Upgrade Addendum Adobe Acrobat File 22KB
*To view bid documents, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine.
Meetings/Documents for Pick-up
Description Type
-A pre-submission meeting will be held at the Chilliwack City Hall Committee Room/Council Chambers on Wednesday, April 12, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. Pre-submission meeting