Press Releases

Press Release
City of Chilliwack Cancels March 17 and April 7 Public Hearings March 16, 2020

Chilliwack, BC: In response to new Provincial health guidelines to cancel all gatherings over 50 people, the City of Chilliwack will cancel the public hearing/public information meeting on March 17, 2020 at 7:00pm.

“Council Chambers has audience seating for 150 people and we have no way of knowing how many people will be in attendance for tomorrow’s public hearing.” said Mayor Ken Popove.

“We always encourage public feedback and public hearings are an important process for the public to provide Council with direct feedback. It doesn’t make sense to host a public hearing while encouraging people to stay at home. In order to encourage social distancing and follow the guidelines outlined by the Province, we made the difficult decision to cancel the public hearing,” said the Mayor.

The 3:00pm Regular Meeting of Council will continue as scheduled, but residents and staff are encouraged to watch the meeting online at instead of in-person. Notices will also be posted on the doors of Council Chambers asking the public to watch online.

“It is important for Council to continue the business of City Hall and our 3:00pm meeting does not include a public feedback component. We urge the public to stay home and watch the Council meeting from the comfort of their home,” said Mayor Popove.

The next regularly scheduled 7:00 pm public hearing/public meeting on April 7, 2020 has also been cancelled. Public hearing/public meeting items will be rescheduled at a later date.

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