
You have the right to request any record in the custody or control of the City of Chilliwack, with some exceptions. To clarify the exceptions under the Act, here is a list of common scenarios where redaction of information is required, depending on the applicable legislation:

Personal Information
Information that could identify an individual, unless they have given explicit consent for its release or falls under specific exemptions.

Third-Party Commercial Information
Proprietary or confidential business information that, if disclosed, could harm the competitive position of a business.

Legal Privilege
Records containing advice or communications protected under solicitor-client privilege or other forms of legal privilege.

Law Enforcement and Security
Information that could compromise public safety, security measures, or ongoing investigations. 

Policy Advice and Recommendations
Drafts of communications related to deliberate processes, where premature disclosure could inhibit frank discussion or effective decision-making.

Threat to Public Safety or Infrastructure
Information that could risk the safety of individuals or the security of buildings, transportation systems, or other critical infrastructure.

Ongoing Negotiations
Records that could undermine negotiations (e.g. with unions, contractors, or international entities.

Sensitive Environmental Information
Data about endangered species, ecological systems, or other environmental concerns that could lead to harm if disclosed.