Traffic Notifications

Lane Closure
 Notification  14617
 Street Marble Hill Road 7253
 Description We propose to dig one geotechnical exploratory test pit to 4 m depth within the PRV Site area (shown on location plan map). This may require an excavator to partially obscure Sunrise Drive. The project consists of 2 other sites, Reservoirs 1 and 2, which also require test pits and test holes. However, these sites do not require an obstruction to roadways. We estimate the PRV site will be completed in 4-6 hours, Reservoir 1 complete in 1 day, and Reservoir 2 complete in 1 day.
 Time Periods Wednesday February 21, 2024 - Friday February 23, 2024 (8:00AM - 5:00PM)
City of Chilliwack Info
 Name  Luke Sun
 Phone  604-793-1897
Contractor Info
 Company  Thurber Engineering Ltd
 Name  John Wardrop
 Phone  604-561-7233
Description Date File Size 
Lane Closure Permit 2024-03-12 247KB