Traffic Notifications

Lane Closure
 Notification  14579
 Street Keith Wilson Road 43072
 Description Long side gas service installation on behalf of FortisBC. Bell hole excavation required in roadway to access and connect to existing gas main.
 Time Periods Tuesday January 16, 2024 - Tuesday January 23, 2024 (7:00AM - 5:00PM)
Monday January 29, 2024 - Friday February 2, 2024 (7:00AM - 5:00PM)
Tuesday February 20, 2024 - Thursday February 22, 2024 (7:00AM - 5:00PM)
   Aecon. DWG001. 43072 Keith Wilson Rd, Chilliwack.pdf
   Aecon. DWG001. 43072 Keith Wilson Rd, Chilliwack_1uzz7i0padman.pdf
City of Chilliwack Info
 Name  Shehnaz Sidhu
 Phone  604-793-2915
Contractor Info
 Company  Aecon
 Name  Casey Denvink
 Phone  236-997-7044
Description Date File Size 
Lane Closure Permit 2024-03-12 247KB