Traffic Notifications

Lane Closure
 Notification  11812
 Street Promontory Road (from Chilliwack River Road to Thomas Road)
 Description Drainage works
 Time Periods Monday October 19, 2020 - Thursday November 5, 2020 (7:00PM - 5:00AM)
Thursday November 5, 2020 - Friday November 6, 2020 (7:00PM - 5:00AM)
   PDFsam_Promontory Road Permit 200930 Night.pdf
City of Chilliwack Info
 Name  Baldeep Litt
 Phone  604-793-2907
Contractor Info
 Company  Eurovia
 Name  Alex Luo
 Phone  604-789-6637
Notice has Expired
 This notice has expired or is out of date.