Bid / Tenders

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Tender 2019-17 Cultural Centre Exterior Painting Back
Closing Information
Successful Bidder:
Bidder: CMN Painting Ltd.
Bid Value: $45,500.00
All Bidders:
Bidder: CMN Painting Ltd.
Bid Value: $45,500.00
Bidder: Decor8 Painting Ltd.
Bid Value: $43,260.00
Bidder: Index Construction BC
Bid Value: $172,672.00
Bidder: Jackson s Creative Developments BC
Bid Value: $54,600.00
Bidder: Painting
Bid Value: $60,900.00
Bidder: Remdal Painting and Restoration Inc.
Bid Value: $85,439.00
Bid Information

To supply all labour, materials and equipment to prepare and repaint the Chilliwack Cultural Centre.

December 11, 2019 3:00 PM


Dave Parsons
Project Manager
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.
V2P 8A4
(604) 792-9311
[email protected]
Attached Documents
Description Category Format Size
Tender 2019-17 Chilliwack Cultural Centre Exterior Painting Tender Adobe Acrobat 786KB
Addendum 1 Addendum Adobe Acrobat 257KB
*To view bid documents, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine.
Meetings/Documents for Pick-up
Description Type
-Mandatory Site Meeting: Nov. 26 @ 10:00am at 9201 Corbould Street