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2014 Vedder River Floodway Gravel Removal and Gravel Sale Back
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Bid Information

The Ministry of Forests Lands and natural Resource Operations, the City of Chilliwack and the City of Abbotsford, herein referred to as "the agencies", invite Tenders for the purchase of approximately 63,500 cubic meters of river sand/gravel from six(6) separate locations on land owned by the Agencies in the Vedder Canal and River, near Yarrow, BC. 

The Contractor selected by the Agencies will be responsible for excavating the sites and hauling the material offsite or to specified stockpile sites, at his/her expense.  The Contractor will retain ownership of the material by paing the agreed Tender price to the Agencies. 

June 18, 2014 3:00 PM


Frank Van Nynatten
Project Manager
(604) 793-2907
Attached Documents
Description Category Format Size
2014-12 Vedder River Floodway Gravel Removal and Gravel Sale Tender Adobe Acrobat 1,399KB
Bid Results Adobe Acrobat 86KB
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