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2010-14 Vedder River Floodway Gravel Removal & Gravel Sale Back
Closing Information
Successful Bidder:
Bidder: Universal Contracting
Bid Information

The Ministry of Environment (MOE), the City of Chilliwack and the City of Abbotsford (the Agencies) invite tenders for the purchase of approximately 115,700 cubic meters of river gravel from 7 separate locations on land owned by the Agencies in the Vedder Canal and River, near Yarrow, B.C.  

The Contractor selected by the Agancies will be responsible for excavating the sites and hauling the material offsite or to specified stockpile sites, at his expense.  The Contractor will retain ownership of the material by paying the agreed tender price to the Agencies. 

Tender Documents are availailbe 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday to Friday, from:

City of Chilliwack
Municipal Hall Reception Desk
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, BC   V2P 8A4

Alternatively, tenders may be downloaded from the City's website at


June 22, 2010 3:00 PM
Tara Friesen
Assistant Manager of Environmental Services
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, BC
V2P 8A4
604 793-2701
604 795-2963
[email protected]
Attached Documents
Description Category Format Size
Vedder River Floodway Gravel Removal & Gravel Sale For Sale by Tender Adobe Acrobat 1,345KB
Notification-Site Meeting Cancelled Notification of Meeting Adobe Acrobat 15KB
Gradation Reports for City Sites 2004 Attachments Adobe Acrobat File 2,590KB
Gradation Reports for City Sites 2006 Attachments Adobe Acrobat File 3,335KB
Gradation Reports for Crown Sites 2004 Attachments Adobe Acrobat File 783KB
Gradation Reports for Crown Sites 2006 Attachments Adobe Acrobat File 309KB
Map 0f 2004 Removal Sites Attachments Adobe Acrobat File 81KB
Map of 2006 Removal Sites Attachments Adobe Acrobat File 57KB
Tender Bids Attachments Adobe Acrobat 30KB
*To view bid documents, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine.