The City of Chilliwack is requesting Proposals for the supply of all labour, supervision, equipment, materials and Site(s) necessary to complete the Curbside Garbage, Recycling and Organics Collection Services in accordance with the specifications in this RFP.
The current curbside collection contract expires April 30, 2025, but allows for up to two (2) additional one (1) year extensions. The City’s preference is to transition to the new contract as soon as possible after April 30, 2025 and proponents are to indicate the earliest date they would be able to start performing the services if they are the Successful Proponent. Proponents’ start dates will be considered as part of the technical evaluation.
The core service included in the contract is residential curbside collection with supply and management of carts and bins. Other provisional services that the City may choose to include in the contract are:
· Curbside collection of flexible plastics
· Large item pick-up
· Operating one or two residential recycling drop-off depots
· Servicing municipal sites with front end load bins, roll-off containers, and/or carts |