Bid / Tenders

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Tender 2006-06 Mount Shannon Reservoir Zone 2 Back
Closing Information
Successful Bidder:
Bidder: Western Tank and Lining Ltd
Bid Value: $163,113.00
All Bidders:
Bidder: Stanco Projects Ltd
Bid Value: $175,066.00
Bidder: Western Tank and Lining Ltd
Bid Value: $163,113.00
Bid Information

The Tender consists of the supply of all labour, materials, equipment, supervision and all aspects for the construction of the new Zone 2 Reservoir on Mount Shannon, as described in the Tender Document.

BID SECURITY:  Bid Security in the amount of 10%.

BONDING:  Performance Bond and Labour and Materials Bond, each in the amount of 50% of total tender price.

SITE MEETING:  There will be a pre-tender site meeting held on Monday, April 10, 2006 starting at 10:00 a.m. at the Public Works Yard, 8300 Kiernan Drive, Chilliwack, B.C., V2P 7H7, conducted by Mr. Glen Macpherson, Project Manager.

Tender documents, including the Invitation to Tender, can be obtained on or after March 30th, 2006 from the following at no cost:

City of Chilliwack
City Hall, Main Reception Desk
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.   V2P 8A4

or may be downloaded from the City of Chilliwack's web site at

Enquiries of a technical nature should be directed to Mr. Glen MacPherson, Project Manager, by calling 604-793-2810.  The lowest or any Tender may not necessarily be accepted.

May 2, 2006 3:00 PM

3:00 p.m., May 2nd, 2006
City of Chilliwack
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.   V2P 8A4

Attention:  R. Carnegie, City Clerk

Glen MacPherson
Project Manager
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 8A4
[email protected]
Attached Documents
Description Category Format Size
Tender 2006-06 Mount Shannon Reservoir Zone 2 Tender Adobe Acrobat File 288KB
Addendum No. 1 Addendum Adobe Acrobat File 19KB
Informational Memo No. 1 Attachments Adobe Acrobat File 11KB
Addendum No. 2 Addendum Adobe Acrobat File 8KB
Informational Memo No. 2 Clarification Adobe Acrobat File 4KB
*To view bid documents, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine.
Meetings/Documents for Pick-up
Description Type
-There will be a pre-submission site meeting starting at 10:00 a.m. on April 10, 2006 at the Public Works Yard located at 8300 Kiernan Drive, Chilliwack, B.C. Pre-submission meeting