Bid / Tenders

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2005-20 First Avenue/Cheam Avenue Intersection Back
Closing Information
Successful Bidder:
Bidder: Martens Asphalt
Bid Value: $283,522.00
All Bidders:
Bidder: Jakes Construction Ltd.
Bid Value: $299,359.00
Bidder: M.P.D.R. Construction Inc.
Bid Value: $290,373.00
Bidder: Martens Asphalt
Bid Value: $283,522.00
Bid Information

The work consists of intersection improvements at First Avenue & Cheam Avenue including removal of a concrete median, sidewalk and construction of a widened pavement structure, new curbs, sidewalk, storm drainage modifications, lighting modifications and new signal installation.

SECURITY:  10% Bid Bond

BONDING:  The successful tenderer will be required to provide a Performance and Labour and Material Payment Bond each in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the Tender price.

Tender documents, including the Invitation to Tender, can be obtained on or after Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005 from the following at no cost:

City of Chilliwack
City Hall, Main Reception Desk
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.   V2P 8A4

or may be downloaded from the City of Chilliwack's website at

Enquiries of a technical nature should be directed to Mr. Ed Kolla, P. Eng., Project Manager by callling 604-530-2288.  The lowest of any tender may not necessarily be accepted. 

August 23, 2005 3:00 PM


3:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 23, 2005
City of Chilliwack
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, B.C.   V2P 8A4

Attention:  R. Carnegie, Municipal Clerk

Dwayne Spies
Project Manager
(604) 793-2907
Attached Documents
Description Category Format Size
2005-20 First Avenue/Cheam Avenue Intersection Invitation to Tender Adobe Acrobat File 5,519KB
*To view bid documents, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine.