Traffic Notifications

Lane Closure
 Notification  9209
 Street Vedder Road, Yale Road, Vedder Mountain Road, Promontory Road, Chilliwack Mountain Road, Grandview Drive, Bracken Drive, Old Orchard Road, Elkview Road, Ryder Lake Road, Extrom Road, Ballam Road, Yale Road, Prest Road, Camp River Road, Luckakuck Way, Chilliwack River Road
 Description Road pavement marker installment
 Time Periods Monday April 16, 2018 - Monday April 30, 2018 (7:00AM - 10:00PM)
City of Chilliwack Info
 Name  Colette McDiarmid
 Phone  604-793-2955
Contractor Info
 Company  Sealtec Industries
 Name  Derik Belanger
 Phone  604-881-4409
Notice has Expired
 This notice has expired or is out of date.