Traffic Notifications

Lane Closure
 Notification  5413
 Street Stevenson Road 45460, east to Wiltshire Street, north to Spruce Drive, east to Sheffield Way, then pedestrian pathway to Luckakuck Way. East on Luckakuck way to Young Road, north on Young Road to Olds Drive, east to 46185 Olds Drive.
 Description Southside Church Walk Event. We anticipate approximately 150-200 persons, using only sidewalks and obeying intersection controls.
 Time Periods Sunday September 20, 2015 (3:00PM - 5:00PM)
   Southside Walk.pdf
City of Chilliwack Info
 Name  Colette McDiarmid
 Phone  604-793-2955
Contractor Info
 Company  Southside Church
 Name  Carolyn Martens
 Phone  604-391-2252
Notice has Expired
 This notice has expired or is out of date.
Description Date File Size 
Lane Closure Permit 2024-03-12 247KB