Landslide Preparedness

Residents who live on the hillsides of our community should be aware of the natural hazards that may exist in and around their homes and properties. If you are in doubt, consider hiring a Geotechnical Engineer to assess your property.

Protect your home and property.

PreparedBC has a guide with landslide information for homeowners and home buyers about how to protect your home and property. The PDF is available here.

Get to know your terrain and waterways.

The best way to prepare for a landslide is to be aware of changes that could signal a landslide. These may include:

  • Sudden changes in stream flow
  • Abnormally dirty water
  • Accumulation of large logs or debris
  • Tension cracks near the top of the slope
  • Falling rocks or boulders or flowing or sliding soil

Leave the area immediately if you observe the following:

  • A faint rumbling sound that increases in volume
  • Unusual sounds, such as trees cracking or boulders knocking together

If you are caught in a landslide with no option to evacuate, curl in a tight ball and protect your head and neck. When you are safe, report the situation by calling 9-1-1. If possible, listen to local radio stations for the latest emergency information.