2022 Annual Report

50 City of Chilliwack The Operations Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City's: y 52 sanitary pump stations y Wastewater Treatment Plant y 10 potable water production wells y 14 water booster pump stations y Parks y Trails y Sports fields y Sanitary sewer system y Potable water system 1,750 WATER SAMPLES TESTED 1,950+ REPAIRS & PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE WORK ORDERS COMPLETED 1,000 FIRE HYDRANTS DISMANTLED, SERVICED & REBUILT 62 ROAD CULVERT INSPECTIONS Operations y 19 water reservoirs y 5 drainage pumping stations y Over 750 km of water and sewer pipe systems y Roads y Open drainage y Storm sewer system y Dyking infrastructure y Fleet maintenance ✅ Downtown Washrooms Two new public washrooms, including water fountains, were installed. These units, known as "Portland Loos”, feature coated steel walls for easy cleaning, angled louvres for privacy and exterior hand washing stations. Life expectancy is approximately 100 years with proper maintenance. ✅ Training Operations staff were trained on a variety of safety measures and equipment. Courses included: • Vactor Flush Truck training • Occupational First Aid • Chainsaw Operation • Fall Protection • Confined Space Entry ✅ New Drinking Fountains Installed in four Locations: • Peach Park • Sardis Park • Jinkerson Stairs • Valley Rail Trail 2022 HIGHLIGHTS Providing water and sewer service to properties within the municipal boundaries, the Operations Department maintains and operates: The department also maintains over 100 parks and natural areas, which make up over 400 hectares of green space, and maintains over 100 km of recreational trails. BEFORE AFTER ✅ Lefferson Trail Stair Replacement Existing wood trail stairs were replaced with a new composite board staircase structure. This material will increase the lifespan and durability of the stairs, while reducing maintenance costs. ✅ Automated Water System Supply Control New process controls were installed at the Promontory Zone 3 Reservoir site to control the inflow and outflow of drinking water, ensuring water supply remains at optimum levels. ✅ Fraser River Freshet Operations Crews monitored water levels, completed dyke inspections, and pumped water from the Fairfield Island drainage system during the annual freshet. Staff worked around the clock to maintain pumping equipment and deliver sand bags to owners located outside of the dyke system. PARK PROJECTS ✅ New playgrounds: y South Sumas Park y Allan Creek Park ✅ Bill Kelly Park Bill Kelly (longtime resident and business owner) contributed funds towards the ‘Little Digger’ playground and the fully accessible playground at the Landing. The old Princess Lane sign was repurposed to create a grand entrance. ✅ Pebble Park Construction This new park includes a play structure designed for children ages 2-5, and a pathway viewing area for residents. ✅ The Landing Accessible Playground Staff completed the construction of a new fully accessible playground at The Landing. The playground features rubber surfacing, a seven-foot-high “Mighty Sequoia” logshaped structure with a wheelchair accessible tunnel and bench seating, a large 11x7-foot glider that resembles a boat and moves back and forth. Annual Report 2022 51