2021 Annual Report

Annual Report 2021 47 46 City of Chilliwack Planning & Development 12,724 BUILDING INSPECTIONS 495 NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS CONSTRUCTED 435 OTHER DWELLINGS (INC. MULTI-FAMILY) 11 HEALTH & SAFETY INSPECTIONS 5 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS (GEOTECHNICAL, RIPARIAN) The City’s municipal development functions operate as two departments within the organization: Development and Regulatory Enforcement Services and Planning and Strategic Initiatives. Development & Regulatory Enforcement Services Land Development y Subdivisions y Development Permits (Geotechnical/Environmental/Riparian) y Riparian Areas y Property Records Maintenance Building Services y Permits y Inspections Bylaw Enforcement Ø Bylaw Enforcement Department y Two Bylaw Officers completed bicycle training to assist with proactive bicycle patrols in downtown, parks and trails and other hotspot areas y Over 2,500 complaints received for violations of City bylaws relating to unsightly premises, excessive noise and on-street parking y Assisted over 300 complaints, inquiries and educational efforts relating to COVID-19 provincial Public Health orders y Responded to over 6,000 bylaw infractions relating to parking, camping in prohibited areas or during prohibited times, smoking in parks and other nuisance issues y On average, over 1,000 interactions with members of the public, each month y Engagement in proactive bicycle and foot patrols in the downtown core, parks, trailers, and other hotspot areas 2021 HIGHLIGHTS Planning and Strategic Initiatives Development Planning y Rezoning (including Official Community Plan amendments) y Development Variance Permits y Development Permits (Form & Character) y Temporary Use Permits y Agricultural Land Reserve Applications Long-Range Planning y Official Community Plan y Neighbourhood Plans y Growth Projections y Policy Development y Healthier Community / Community Safety Plan / Homelessness Action Plan One Stop Business Registration and Licencing y General and Intermunicipal Business Licencing 618 NEW BUSINESS LICENCES 164 FORM & CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT PERMITS 148 REZONING APPLICATIONS 89 DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMITS 28 TEMPORARY USE PERMITS 23 AGRICULTURAL LAND RESERVE APPLICATIONS Planning Projects 9Townhouse Infill Policy 9South Vedder Land Use Plan 9Yarrow Neighbourhood Plan 9Chilliwack Land Use Inventory & Growth Projections Model 9UFV - Chilliwack City Studio Partnership Ø Reaching Home Program y Second year as a ‘Designated Community’ under Federal Government Program, to reduce and prevent homelessness y City granted$1.1million to local projects to address food security, rent and client supports to transitionpeople into stable housing Ø Community Safety Plan y Community Safety Governance Committee established Fall 2021, to monitor implementation of actions to support the Community Safety Plan y Extensive stakeholder engagement across multiple sectors, including: Mental Health, Substance Use, Housing, Outreach, Provincial Agencies, and First Nations’ Representatives y Five key goals identified: ҇ Improve community and personal safety ҇ Reduce stigma associated with homelessness ҇ Establish services to meet local needs ҇ Improve capacity of justice system ҇ Increase focus on early interventions & trauma informed practice Ø Short-Term Rental Accomodations Regulations y Amendments to various City bylaws approved by Council in October to permit short-term rental accomodations, as an ancillary use, on same lot as someone’s principal residence y Help to balance the need to protect housing supply with the needs of the tourism industry Intermunicipal Business Licences 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 315 374 459 498 520 529 315 374 459 498 520 529 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 HIGHLIGHTS