2022 Annual Report

22 City of Chilliwack STRATEGIC GOAL #3 CONTINUED: ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Encourage waste diversion and a “zero waste” philosophy, reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gases while protecting waterways, riparian zones and airsheds. HOW WE WILL GET THERE WHAT WE ACHIEVED IN 2022 WASTE DIVERSION Achieve a 75% curbside program waste diversion rate by 2025, promote a “zero waste” philosophy and maximize recycling initiatives.  Achieved curbside diversion rate of 68%.  Completed a curbside waste composition study to identify focus areas for diversion initiatives and education.  Zero waste initiatives including curbside recycling and compostable waste programs, Household Hazardous Waste Day, City-Wide Garage Sales and Shred-a-Thon events.  Reduced curbside recycling contamination rate from 7.9% to 6.2%.  Assisted Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) in meeting region-wide separation requirements for recycling and compostable materials, by updating the City's Solid Waste Management Bylaw, which also included phasing out the ban on compostable waste disposal at Bailey Landfill.  Single-Use Item Reduction Bylaw came into effect in April, prohibiting plastic bags, straws and utensils, plus foam take-out containers and cups.  Incorporated four-stream waste and recycling stations throughout the city and recreation facilities. SUSTAINABILITY Explore renewable energy opportunities, facilitate sustainable transportation and prepare longterm plan for landfill.  Provided free transit for Canada Day and supported implementation for provincially mandated free transit for children under 12.  Converted 1,200 streetlights to LED.  Continued converting lighting to LED in City Fire Hall #1 and Townsend Park.  Received grant approval for future work to capture waste heat from Chilliwack Coliseum and transfer it to Chilliwack Landing Leisure Centre, resulting in an estimated reduction to the City’s greenhouse gas emissions by 553 tonnes (11.6%) per year.  Installation commenced for 22 charging port stations in seven locations within the City. Ten stations are dual-port Level 2 chargers and two stations are single-port Level 3 chargers.  Consistent reviews and implementation of landfill financial planning strategies to ensure continued economic sustainability. STRATEGIC GOAL #4: STRONG NEIGHBOURHOODS Support accessibility, inclusion, diversity and truth and reconciliation. Fostering community spirit, attracting community events and supporting cultural groups, while providing high-quality parks and recreational opportunities. HOW WE WILL GET THERE WHAT WE ACHIEVED IN 2022 COMMUNITY CULTURE Foster community spirit by attracting community events and supporting cultural groups, community organizations and public art initiatives.  Funded a total of 37 block parties and neighbourhood gatherings through the Celebration and Activity Program.  The Chilliwack Public Art Advisory Committee continued to support public art initiative.  Recognized sport achievement and legacy through Chilliwack Sports Hall of Fame.  Community Development Initiatives (CDI) policy funded a number of community non-profit service organizations and initiatives. PARKS AND TRAILS Provide and enhance quality parks and recreational opportunities.  Installed new Multi-Use Game Areas at the Landing complex and Watson Glen Park.  Constructed the connector trails at Ford Creek (300 m) and Thornton Creek (300 m).  Installed two washroom facilities in the downtown area.  Three parks added to the parks inventory: Pebble Park, Allan Creek Park and South Sumas Park.  Completed playground upgrades at Westview and Uplands Parks.  Continued the 10-year master plan for Vedder Greenway.  Continued work with FVRD to enhance regional connections in Chilliwack.  A new play structure for children ages 2-5, with accessible play features, was installed at Webster Park.  Novice pump track area added to the Chilliwack Pump Track facility.  Completed the Little Mountain Nature Park access steps.  Started Phase 1 of Qoqó:lem Park, at Vedder Mountain.  Ten 20+ year old swing sets replaced.  Resurfaced Thom Creek Trail (500 m).  Installed six drinking fountains throughout the City.  Completed new parking lot at Meadowbrook Park. Annual Report 2022 23